Access to Land Group

The working group on Knowledge and Land Security is crucial for agroecological farmers to be able to work on restoring soil, biodiversity, and building local food communities. Due to land speculation and a lack of regulation in the land market, farmland is very expensive, and many farmers depend on short-term lease contracts.

The new land policy is primarily focused on the extensification of conventional dairy farms. As a result, agroecological farmers with fewer resources (land, capital) find it even harder to qualify for collective purchase or lease of farmland. The national land bank does not help them.

In the Access to Land group of the Agroecologie Netwerk, we discuss local situations where agroecological farmers are denied access to land or are forced off their land. If such a situation requires significant public attention, we take collective action. We also follow national politics and look for opportunities to influence legislation or policy. This includes the revision of lease laws. Additionally, we share inspiring examples of commons and useful tools, such as good lease contracts.

Do you also want to work towards more land security for agroecological farmers in the Netherlands? You are more than welcome to join our working group. Send an email to