
The Labour Working Group focuses on the role of labour in agroecological food and farming systems. Agroecology requires a fundamental revision of how we view work, both in agriculture itself and in the broader community and society. In turn, many challenges in agroecology are linked to labour, such as the available time and energy of farmers and citizens, the valuation and organisation of the work involved, and the trade-off between mechanical and physical labour. Intangible aspects such as building food communities and dealing with uncertainties also play a role.

The working group brings together people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to explore issues surrounding labour in agroecology. There are subgroups that focus on specific themes, such as the position of migrant workers and how agroecology can contribute to a more just working environment. Other topics that are discussed include: how do we value the work of agroecological farmers, how do we make labour in agroecology more attractive, and how can mechanization or energy use be aligned with agroecological principles?

Anyone who is involved or interested in labour and food systems is very welcome to participate in this working group.